Note: This post began its life in my brain as a very short message; however, I began talking about Harry Potter and really couldn’t shut up. So an alternate title could be: My eulogy to the Harry Potter series and in essence my childhood.
Today, while on my morning walk, I had an overwhelming feeling of giddiness. I love different people’s expressions of giddiness. The most prominent expressions to me are my old roommate Emily’s little squeal, my friend Kara’s knees and elbows out dance, and this arms linked, knee give out walk that my mom, little sister and I like to do. Emily’s squeal could be heard through our entire house. The sound of it put an instant smile on my face and I usually would go find out the source of the giddiness because I didn’t have enough self-control to keep working. This morning, I did my preferred self-expression of giddiness – skipping while silently laughing and smiling like a crazy person – through the Cluj city center. (I think many Romanians become giddy watching me be ridiculous.)
Several things led to my morning skipping. One contributor was that I got to spend a good part of this weekend in one of my favorite worlds, the book world. I had time to re-read Hunger Games and go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Though a chapter of my childhood closed with the movie, I was extremely pleased with the result, so for now I can over-look the fact Harry Potter countdowns cease to exist. My two favorite quotes from the book, and perhaps the entire series, made it into the film. The first is when the ever motherly Molly Weasley yells, “Not my daughter you BITCH!” at Bellatrix. Though this occurred during the most intense part of the book and if Molly hadn’t shown up my second favorite character, Ginny, would have ended up like my favorite character, Sirius, I can’t help but burst out laughing imagining my own mother trying to be a BA (for any mothers reading, BA means Bad Ass). The other quote is one from Dumbledore during his King’s Cross encounter with Harry. He says, “Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic...” This quote brings together the essence of Harry Potter. I was one of the classic Harry Potter kids, someone who had no interest in literature beforehand. The books welcomed me into the world of literature; a world where learning is safe, participation is expected, a feeling of home is given, and love can conquer all – a world I now can’t live without.
Leah and I were a little sad we missed the midnight showing |
I could write several more pages about Harry Potter, but I won’t put you all through that. Instead, other things that made me happy this morning included realizing I will be seeing my mom in less than ten days, discovering another one of my favorite books “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” is being made into a movie (quote below to intrigue you), and a lingering tummy happiness from the delicious meal my tutor, Aida, made for me last night.
"And I think that they know. Nothing specific really. They just know. And I think that's all you can ever ask from a friend."
-The Perks of Being a Wallflower
But, the thing that threw me over the edge and made my muscles switch from a walking motion to a skipping motion was the thought of the up-coming school year. Every year, around the beginning of August, like the total nerd I am, I become pee-my-pants excited about the up-coming school year. At the beginning of August, the reality of actual school work and test are far enough away for the joy of school to shine through. I have a crazy desire to go buy Lisa Frank folders and every color of highlighter ever created. I think in my head about how this will be the year where I don’t procrastinate and actually read my notes before class. I envision stacks upon stacks of perfect Pharmacology notecards. And though I know, deep down, I won’t even read the notes before my first class and if I ever actually make Pharmacology notecards it will be frantically two days before the test, just imagining myself as a perfect student makes me giddy.
I hope a moment of giddiness strikes you this week and when it does you express it!
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