Thursday, July 21, 2011

Double Dog Dare...

A week ago, in one of my posts I declared that I would accept 23 dares to do while I’m 23. I didn’t receive an overwhelming about of dares. If that’s because you all think my life is too exciting for additional dares (it really isn’t) fine, otherwise put on your thinking cap and send me a dare. The material from them would really help with one of the dares I did receive – “blog at least once a week for the entire year”. Also, I guess comments have been disappearing instead of being posted so if you tried to comment me a dare please send it again to If you have no idea what I’m talking about, refer to the blog post Tick Tock for further explanation. Once again, here are the rules:

1.       Nothing extremely gross
2.       Unless you want to fund it (which I would graciously accept), it has to be able to be done on a med student budget
3.       I’m a vegetarian – this is not an invitation to dare me to eat meat

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