Thursday, June 9, 2011

American Films

I went to two American films at the festival so far. I had already seen 127 Hours, but as many of you know, I like movies better the second time when I can pick up the little details I missed the first time around. I am not going to talk about the plot of the movie because I am guessing most are familiar with the story of Aron Ralston or have seen the movie. Instead I will just mention a few details. The music in this movie is spot-on. I am not sure how many songs the music director sifted through to come up with the final selections, but in a very quirky way each song makes the mood of the story enter you. The music doesn’t sit back and wait for you to be engaged; instead, in enters you and pulls you in. When he is cutting his nerve you can physically feel it with him. This soundtrack is most definitely on the top of my itunes download list.  The other thing I wanted to mention in regards to this movie is the phenomenal acting of James Franco. If you haven’t seen the movie due to his extremely unprofessional hosting of the Academy Awards I think you should go to the Redbox and give the film a chance. The other American film I saw was Winter’s Bone. The story is no cup of tea to sit through and the reality that some elements of this story are happening to children in America today is disturbing. As for the acting, I have to say that I can’t be more pleased that Jennifer Lawerence is playing Katniss in the Hunger Games trilogy. Again another trip to the Redbox is recommended for this film, but be ready for a disturbing film
Now stay with me here as I attempt do a movie review on a movie that hasn’t even begun production. I am a big fan of the Hunger Games trilogy and plan to write more on the books in the future in relation to the communist past here in Eastern Europe. The trilogy is a bit of a watered down version of 1984 and though it has a romantic plot, the core of the story is about finding yourself, defending your family, and fighting for a government that cares for its citizens. These books and the films that come with it, present an opportunity for the young generation to have a serious talk about political structure and self-advocacy, topics that are definitely missing in America and as I learned are missing here as well. When I was in Sighetu a few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to go to coffee with a history teacher. During coffee he explained that many adults don’t speak about the communist times and therefore the young generation has no idea how bad things were. Now that the whole world is in an economic depression some are nostalgic for the communist times and the children aren’t resistant against it. Now I am not implying in any way that Eastern Europe is falling back into communism, what I am saying though is that if we don’t educate the youth about the past eventually it may be repeated.  With that said, I am worried I am going to be disappointed by the movies because I have a feeling the romance (in a Twilight way, to target all the Twilight fans) is all that will be explored. But for now since it is still about nine months until a Hunger Games movie comes out I will stop and recommend the trilogy to you if you are looking for a summer read.

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