Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Since I didn’t get to post a blog yesterday it will be a double header today. The picture above is the view from the balcony at work. You can see from the picture a collision of different times in Romania. There is the gorgeous large Orthodox Church in the center. Off to the left you see a gas station and on the right an old communist built housing complex. Romania was under communist rule until 1989 when they had a revolution and removed Ceausescu, the leader, and his Securitate from power. After the revolution a Constitution was drafted and signed, however communist ideas were still strong among the leaders. Not until 2004, was there a president that wasn’t a former high-ranking communist. Buildings like the one seen in this picture are very common throughout Cluj. In addition, to these communist buildings and old churches there are several new buildings. We were at the mall earlier today and it felt like I was back at Coralridge, complete with free internet in the food court. All these contrasts make the city so interesting and I can’t wait to explore more.
But Ciao for now!

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